Chojiros Blog

June 14, 2006

Carpe Diem

This game shall enter Beta soon! Carpe Diem has an....
EXPERIMENTAL STORY DRIVEN GAMING - The gamers join together to defeat the threat posed to the kingdom by Uzziel the Evoker. Uzziel is played in the game by a real person, who can summon monsters at will anywhere in the world. Solo players may think they are in a safe area, groups may be sure that they can handle the quest - Uzziel may have a different opinion! The goal of having a real person to play the protagonist is to keep the gameplay unexpected and challenging, but he can be beaten! The defeat of Uzziel creates an unfolding story that is different on each server.

This sounds cool, if the person controlling Uzziel does his job well ^_^
You can only register for now. Hope this game comes out soon.


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