Chojiros Blog

June 09, 2006

Autoclasschange / tilesteplvlup

These [i]all[/i] work!

'This goes under the SubPlayerMove(Index)
'I added an optional class requirement in there, just remove the 's if you want them.
'Note the character is teleported away upon walking upon the tile and gaining a level.

Select Case GetPlayerMap(index)
Case [MapNum]:
If GetPlayerX(Index) = [X] And GetPlayerY(Index) = [Y] Then
'If GetPlayerClass(index) = [Class] Then
Call PlayerWarp(Index,[MapNum],[X],[Y])
Call SetPlayerExp(Index, GetPlayerExp(Index) + GetPlayerNextLevel(Index))
Call CheckPlayerLevelUp(Index)
End If
'End If
End Select

'Yep, this is for all you uninventive people who can't make a quest for a class change.
'Note this is only for 3 classes. These are actually very basic and simple to understand.
'This goes under the SubCheckPlayerLevelUp(Index)

Select Case GetPlayerLevel(Index)
Case [Level]:
If GetPlayerClass(index) = [Class] Then
Call Playermsg(index, "Congratulations!! You are now an ____!!", 12)
Call Globalmsg("Congratulations!! " & GetPlayerName(Index) & " is now an ____!!", 10)
Call SetPlayerClass(Index, [NewClass])
End If
End If

Case [Level]:
If GetPlayerClass(index) = [Class] Then
Call Playermsg(index, "Congratulations!! You are now an _____!!", 12)
Call Globalmsg("Congratulations!! " & GetPlayerName(Index) & " is now an ______!!", 10)
Call SetPlayerClass(Index, [NewClass])
End If
End If

Case [Level]:
If GetPlayerClass(index) = [Class] Then
Call Playermsg(index, "Congratulations!! You are now an _____!!", 12)
Call Globalmsg("Congratulations!! " & GetPlayerName(Index) & " is now an _____!!", 10)
Call SetPlayerClass(Index, [NewClass])
End If
End If
End Select


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